I just joined this tonight. I read as many reviews as I could find, and it seems that it is a legit program. I will keep you all updated, but I figured it's free, so why not give it a try?
Join Me at i5
Invite 5 is a free membership available to everyone 13+ yrs old worldwide. Register, choose where and when to view
ads and share in the ad revenue. There are 8 different ways to make money, all from advertising. Interact with 10 Cent
Ads yourself or just share free membership with others.
How can this be? Simple - the audience is the only value to an advertiser. Internet users worldwide provide invaluable
access to advertisers for a share of the dollars spent on the advertising. Members of Invite 5 'request' to view and rate
ads while using any website or search page. When you do this, you make money.
In addition to money, membership also has some cool benefits. A totally customizable toolbar lets you choose the
features, colors, icons and the links so your toolbar is as personal and unique as you. And with the auto-login feature,
one click and you're signed in to all your own links. You can also click the i5 logo and see what cash and prizes we're
giving away each week.
i5 members can install the toolbar, browser button or personal widget. Once installed, sign in, click the ads button or
widget to view some ads. When text ads are clicked an ad window opens. After 10 seconds, a 'Rate it' bar displays to
give your opinion - 1 to 5 stars. Select a star and make money. That's how simple it is.
Another Update
Since Chelsea is approaching her 18th birthday in August, this seemed to be
an appropriate time for another update. She continues to thrive in ways I
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